Kubernetes GIS configuration

Description This article explains how to configure a GIS service that you can use with your applications to provide a geographical representation of information. GIS service This article assumes that we already have a kubernetes cluster configured. If you don't have it, you can refer to configuring kubernetes article or use a preconfigured one. In Read More »

Kubernetes services

K8s exposes pods functionality through services. Services in the Kubernetes world are abstractions that describe a set of endpoints that are related together: multiple web servers multiple mail transfer agents that share the sending load multiple applications that expose a functionality When deploying an application in Kubernetes you have several options to choose from: deployments Read More »

Kubernetes networking

Description This article explains how pods can communicate in a cluster of containers. It starts by explaining how the Linux kernel facilitates the configuration through networking namespaces and advances to how these namespaces are used by containers and K8s. I will not use the term "pod"( group of one or more containers ) as it Read More »

Configuring Kubernetes

Description This article explains the steps you need to take to deploy a high availability kubernetes cluster in your environment. This cluster will comprise of 3 control nodes and 3 worker nodes. We will not dive into the details and concepts behind the differences between the control plane nodes and worker nodes but these are Read More »